gerbv  2.10.1-dev~93f1b5
Filename: example5.c
Description: Demonstrate the basic drawing functions available in libgerbv
by drawing a smiley face and exporting the layer to a new RS274X file.
Instructions: Make sure you are in the example-code directory, and compile
this program with the following command:
gcc -Wall -g `pkg-config --cflags libgerbv` `pkg-config --libs libgerbv` example5.c -o example5
Run with the following command:
Common compiling problems:
1. If you are compiling gerbv from source, make sure you run
"make install" before trying to compile this example. This
ensures libgerbv is correctly installed and can be found.
2. If you installed gerbv to "/usr/local" (the default), many
distributions don't correctly point pkgconfig to this target.
To fix this, add the following to your ~/.bashrc file:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/
#include "gerbv.h"
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
gerbv_image_t *workingImage;
/* create a new, blank, image */
workingImage = gerbv_create_image(NULL, NULL);
/* draw the nose */
gerbv_image_create_line_object (workingImage, 1.5, 1.5, 1.6, 1.3, 0.020, GERBV_APTYPE_CIRCLE);
gerbv_image_create_line_object (workingImage, 1.5, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3, 0.020, GERBV_APTYPE_CIRCLE);
gerbv_image_create_line_object (workingImage, 1.4, 1.3, 1.6, 1.3, 0.020, GERBV_APTYPE_CIRCLE);
/* draw the eyes */
gerbv_image_create_arc_object (workingImage, 1, 2, 0.1, 0, 360, 0.020, GERBV_APTYPE_CIRCLE);
gerbv_image_create_arc_object (workingImage, 2, 2, 0.1, 0, 360, 0.020, GERBV_APTYPE_CIRCLE);
/* draw the mouth */
gerbv_image_create_arc_object (workingImage, 1.5, 1.5, 0.75, -30, -150, 0.20, GERBV_APTYPE_CIRCLE);
/* draw the head */
gerbv_image_create_arc_object (workingImage, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0, 360, 0.02, GERBV_APTYPE_CIRCLE);
/* draw the ears */
gerbv_image_create_rectangle_object (workingImage, -0.2, 1.3, 0.2, 0.4);
gerbv_image_create_rectangle_object (workingImage, 3, 1.3, 0.2, 0.4);
/* export the drawn image to a new rs274x file */
gerbv_export_rs274x_file_from_image ("example5-output.gbx", workingImage, NULL);
/* destroy all created structures */
gerbv_destroy_image (workingImage);
return 0;
gboolean gerbv_export_rs274x_file_from_image(const gchar *filename, gerbv_image_t *inputImage, gerbv_user_transformation_t *transform)
Export an image to a new file in RS274X format.
void gerbv_destroy_image(gerbv_image_t *image)
Free an image structure.
Definition: gerb_image.c:104
void gerbv_image_create_rectangle_object(gerbv_image_t *image, gdouble coordinateX, gdouble coordinateY, gdouble width, gdouble height)
Draw a filled rectangle on the specified image.
Definition: gerb_image.c:934
gerbv_image_t * gerbv_create_image(gerbv_image_t *image, const gchar *type)
Allocate a new gerbv_image structure.
Definition: gerb_image.c:46
void gerbv_image_create_line_object(gerbv_image_t *image, gdouble startX, gdouble startY, gdouble endX, gdouble endY, gdouble lineWidth, gerbv_aperture_type_t apertureType)
Draw a line on the specified image.
Definition: gerb_image.c:1072
void gerbv_image_create_arc_object(gerbv_image_t *image, gdouble centerX, gdouble centerY, gdouble radius, gdouble startAngle, gdouble endAngle, gdouble lineWidth, gerbv_aperture_type_t apertureType)
Draw an arc on the specified image.
Definition: gerb_image.c:1029
The main header file for the libgerbv library.
Definition: gerbv.h:152